
The place to find all the information you need to know about ownership costs and site fees, along with any caravans currently for sale on our site.


  • Site Fees

    Our site fees are charged annually, prior to the April opening of the park, and remain one of the most competitively priced within the area. The site is closed during February and March each year.

  • For Sale

    Unfortunately all of our plots are currently occupied, and at present, no caravans are for sale on site. If you would like to be one of the first to hear of any caravans/ plots that become available in the future, please fill out our contact form. Find the link on the top right of this page.

  • Running Costs

    Each of the plots on the park have an individually metered electricity supply. Bills are generated quarterly and will obviously vary depending on personal use. Gas bottles are available to order at the site office and are delivered weekly as required. Additionally we require all caravans on site to be suitably insured.

“my opinion it’s the best park, the owners are relaxed, helpful & friendly”.

— park resident